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Sculpture by the Airport

A Photographic Exhibition by Tara Johns

 As urban sprawl pushes city boundaries, it is even more important to look at our existing urban sites as platforms to explore the potential of art to stimulate the regeneration of these areas. Sites that are often discarded as wasteland can be revitalised by encouraging creative pursuits within them; this way, we may be able to create more functional shared spaces within our communities.

The primary objective of the Sculpture by the airport series is to address the need for more creative human interaction within underutilised urban spaces. I have created a juxtaposition of art in unexpected landscapes and photographed them. It’s partly a guerrilla-art concept and partly a statement about reclaiming lost space.

 The interventions are a statement on the decay and possible rebirth of these sites. Some images allude towards the potential creative use of these spaces. All the images question the vitality of the sites and attempt to provoke the viewer into another realm of possibility.

 For further information or sales queries contact Tara at,

This project was supported by funding from Marrickville Council (Inner West Council) and I would like to acknowledge the wonderful support of the staff at The Addison Rd Centre and Stirrup Gallery Marrickville.

β€œIt is about your seeing, like the wordless thought that comes from looking into a fire." James Turrell

The lines between what is man-made and natural are blurred.


These works challenge our assumptions about ordinary reality

bridging the visible and the invisible